Friday, March 12, 2010

Twisted “More Alike” Posters

Many of you have already been informed that the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) has temporarily removed the poster gallery for their More Alike Than Different campaign due to malicious activity. This campaign allowed parents to upload pictures of their children and make their own personally meaningful More Alike Than Different poster.

NDSC decided to remove the gallery when they became aware that people were downloading the posters, modifying them (changing the headlines, text, graphics), and reposting them in online forums. The resulting images are hurtful and hateful. We see this as a violation unlike others we have posted on OS. This group of people is using images of our own children to poke fun at people with Ds, and to demean them.

We have been in contact with NDSC and know that they are researching legal avenues, in addition to other avenues, to rectify this. The hope is that the forum will remove the images.

In the meantime, we can visit the online forum and send emails to the forum administrator asking the content be removed. Be aware that this particular online forum requires users to register (and pay $9.95) before they can post comments. That means that without paying to combat this, our best avenue to make an impact is by emailing the forum administrators:


  1. Oh my god. I am appalled. and furious.

  2. Ok, I took a deep breath.

    What I want to say to those people is the following:

    I want to yell at you. But I know that's not productive and far less likely to change your mind. What's going on? What's missing in your life that you spend your time on an online forum making fun of kids who have done nothing to deserve it. Does it make you feel good to pick on defenseless kids with Down Syndrome? Does it bolster up your self esteem? I feel bad for you. But anything you say doesn't diminish the love I feel for these children. No pity caption you wrote over their beautiful faces can change my mind about these kids. I will never demean them. I will not make fun of them. I will not use the R word for cheap laughs. I'm a better person than that. Nothing you can say or do will diminish the love that we feel for the Down Syndrome community.

    Picking on kids with cognitive disabilities is a cheap shot. You know it, I know it. These kids are not the ones you are mad at. These kids are not the ones who drove you to seek solace in an online forum full of nasty people. Don't punish them for the way people have treated you in the past. They don't deserve it.


    I had a poster up, that thankfully wasn't tarnished, but I'm mad as hell for the families (our family, really) whose beautiful loved ones were misused.

    Earlier this week I had a conversation with my brother about this. Should I have images of my daughter on the web, where creeps and predators and losers can do with it what they will?. I'm 100% convinced that hiding these beautiful faces is the last thing we should do because we have fear. We need to continue to say it is 100% unacceptable for this sort of thing to happen in the year 2010. And fight it.

    I hope NDSC and all of us can stand up and fight these bullies and call them out and make them look small and less than other people (which they unsuccessfully tried to do with our kids under the guise of “satire”.)

  4. I am speechless right now. I can't believe the things being said on that forum. I guess I have been in denial that this kind of hatred still exists. It really hurts :(

  5. I'm speechless, Dan. I need some time to think about this one before I do anything. I'm stunned, hurt, and angry. That this kind of prejudice still exists is not a surprise, but it still amazes me.

  6. This is one of the most cruel things I've seen you link to.

  7. Last night I e-mailed the advertisers on this site. They include:e-bay,, Mtv,, ARAnetonline. com, lowermybills. com,, ING, and Clearasil.

    Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent:

    To whom it concerns,

    The website "[Insert site name]" has posted a disgusting thread centered on distorting and demeaning posters from the National Down Syndrome Congress' "More Alike" campaign.

    I have noted that you post advertisements on this site, and would like for you to be aware that your business may be negatively impacted by repercussions from the bad behavior on this blog.

    Here is a link: http://[Insert Link directly to offensive thread]

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    [Insert Name]

    When I checked back the ad boxes all read "no candidates." Now I'm not sure this was due to my efforts, but I'll tell you, being proactive sure felt better than taking this abuse.

    I think hitting these guys in the pocketbook is the best way to go. I'd suggest reporting this blog early and often (better business bureau? Perhaps any sites these jerks advertise on? Maybe initiating legal correspondence would get their attention--though I'm hoping NDSC is doing this already.

  8. Just checked the site and they now have an ad on a different part of the page for

    Here's their e-mail:

  9. Has anyone actually heard back from any of the administrators?

  10. 2K Sports now has an ad. Here's their e-mail:

  11. Just saw an Equifax Ad on THAT site. Harder to find their e-mail, but I did. Here it is:

  12. AT&T has an ad for their Backflip phone on the site.

  13. Good news. My last check on this site does not bring up photos, (all advertisements are now gone again). There is a message that now says:"Viewing this content requires the archives upgrade. Regular users can only view threads from the last six months or so. Users with archives access can view old threads dating all the way back to 2001. WOWZERS!"

    I say we keep checking but, IMO this IS the way to get at these jerks.

  14. Yeah, looks like the post has been removed or something. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Alpha, November and the gang. I am calling them out on my blog. Joseph was misappropriated and we are seeking action on our own.

  16. I posted a reply on my blog not too long ago.
